Thursday, July 14, 2011

Small Preview

I have been way behind on my pictures previews!  Its hard to keep up when you have two little ones running around while your trying to edited, keep the house clean, cook... the list could go on forever :) 

Here is a very small preview of a few shoots!

Ashley is such a beautiful girl!! I love photographing her!  She has the prettiest eyes!

We had a fun Summer Shoot with the Berry kids, which we still have to finish. :)  We have some cute things to complete the shoot!  I cant wait to take them!

The Garvin girls have a very special place in my heart!  I love them very much!  However, their parents are in BIG trouble... look how beautiful they are!  The boys will be knocking down their door!  I'm editing their family shoot, cant wait for you all to see!

My sweet Tinley!!  My first little niece!!! She is perfect in every way!!!  Love her so much!  Isn't she SOOO BEAUTIFUL???

Miss Madeline and I do a lot of shoots together!  I keep her during the school year a couple times a week and we LOVE doing shoots.  She has the best personality!   I can't wait for school to start so she can come play!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Great Deal!

I will be spending the next few days playing catch-up!  I have been so busy, I have not had time blog!!
Right now, I am having a HUGE deal!  I am trying to get more weddings on my schedule and I would love your help!  
If you know of someone getting married, please give them my information!!  
If you refer your friend and they schedule a wedding with me, you will receive 2 FREE SHOOTS- picture package included!! That is saving you $200!!!!

Weddings are so special to photograph and I would love to be apart of your wedding or your friends!!

Laura Deaver Photography

Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer Shoot

I have been away for awhile... busy girl!  

Its time for Summer Mini Shoots!  
$50.00 for 30 minutes of photographing your adorable kids! 
*Sidewalk Chalk 
*Water guns/balloons
*Summer Fun

Scheduling from 25th-3rd
Email or call for details!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Little Sister

My little sister is all grown up!! This is her final week of high school!! :(  I'm a little sad about this!  I have always had a special connection with her.  I have her back, ALWAYS!  She has grown into a BEAUTIFUL young woman!  Its hard to believe this small little tom-boy has grown into this amazing woman!

We had so much fun doing her senior pictures!  They all turned out so great, its hard to pick a favorite!
She has an amazing future!  She got a full scholarship for golf!!!  I know she will do great in everything she does.  I will always be here for her and I am her number 1 fan!

I am beyond proud of you Whitney!  I love you very much!
Congratulations and I am so excited for your future adventures!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Boys

My life is finally slowing down a little and I am almost caught up on my editing!  I have Summer and Justin's wedding approaching and i am so excited!  Its a beautiful location with beautiful people! 

As a photographer, having kids is so fun!  There is always something new and adorable to photograph.  I have been so busy the last few months, i have not been able to photograph my kids much.  So this month i am going to photograph them a ton!
It amazes me how different my two boys are!  They are complete opposites!

Bryson has always been a mommy's boy!  Since day 1 he only wanted me, he would not go to anyone!  I loved it!! He is full of attitude and very shy at first!  He seems to be just like his mom! He is such a picky eater, hates getting dirty, and he wants mommy or daddy to snuggle with him in bed while he goes to sleep.  He is the SWEETEST kid.  He tells Brady and I "love you to the moon and back" at least 20 times a day, constintly hugging and kissing us, says "please and thank you" for everything!  He is going to make an amazing husband to one lucky lady one day because he truly shows his love all the time!

Brody is my little indepentent boy!  He has been a daddy's boy (unless he is sick). He is my tall and skinny kid (only 8% in weight) who eats everything all day!!!  He doesnt like me to feed him, he has to do it on his own.  He is always happy and will go to anyone! Brody can be covered in dirt or food and he could care less! He will not sleep good unless he is in his bed. He does not like to go to sleep with anyone, just alone in his bed!  He thinks he is a big boy!  He has always been a happy baby and has been so fun for us!  He totally takes after his dad!  He is already goofy and laughs at everything!  He has the best personality!  I am so happy he is just like his dad, Brady is an amazing, funny man and i am so excited to have a son just like him!

Bryson and Brody are already best friends!!  It makes me so happy to see them playing together!  We had them so close together because I wanted them to grow up with a best friend/brother!

Over the next month, I am really going to focus on capturing how unique each of them are!  I want to really display how different they are and their true personality!  I am going to be trying some new things and techniques.  I am SO excited to share these photos with you and hopefully the opportunity to capture you beautiful children as well!

I have also decided that i am starting a journal/photo books for the boys.  It is going to have all of the fun times, hard times, and fun pictures!  It will be different than their normal photo book.  I will be talking directly to them!  I think it will be a great gift to give my boys when they have their first child!  I cant wait to get started on it!

Don't forget my May special: Free hard cover photo book with your session!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Busy Busy!

The last week has been so busy! I finally have a few moments to catch up! 
My sweet Brody turned one on Saturday!! I can not believe it has been a year! He is such a blessing!  Such a happy boy!! He is always smiling! Brody had a baseball themed party.  I try really hard to be a great mother!  I want to give my kids great party's and their day to be perfect. BUT i really fell short this time! It really upsets me when i feel like i could of done better.  Trying to find a balance between kids and photography has been hard! My life has been so busy, the party just snuck up on me!  Just a few days before the party, i started running around trying to get everything ready!  I was crazy the day of the party because i was not prepared!! The party turned out ok, but he had a great day!  That is the most important thing!

Sweet Birthday Boy

Brody has been sick for the last month with allergies and stomach bugs. A couple days before his birthday, he starting feeling a little better and his eyes looked pretty good.  They have been very red and swollen.  So i ran out and did some of his one year photos (very quickly)!  I hoping to do a "real" shoot with him soon!
It was the middle of the day and we were under direct sunlight, but i did get some cute ones!

I have done several senior pictures.  I will post previews of them soon!

I have a big request... please keep the Sullivan and Mullen family in your prayers!  They are a sweet family i met a few weeks back!  I had a great shoot with them, beautiful family!  They have had an amazing, emotional, and scary week!  Their father had a heart transplant.  From what i hear, he is doing very well!!!  Please Pray that he continues to improve! He is a very strong man and i know his family is very proud of him!  Please pray hard for him! 

I have a GREAT  special going on this month.  Email me if you would like details and want to schedule a shoot!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Busy Weekend

I hope everyone had a Great Easter weekend!! Mine was very busy, but great! Our weekend started Friday, we took the boys to the zoo!  They had such a great time. My good friend Hailey met us there with her three little ones!  Grace is her oldest, she is only 2 weeks older than Bryson.  We already have their wedding planned :)

Saturday was a very busy day as well. I had a Photo shoot with an adorable little boy, Tristan.  He is turning one on Wednesday.  He was SO cute and fun to photograph! He has the cutest smile!  All of his picture turned out great!  Everything is so pretty and green outside!  The pictures really captured the beautiful scenery  as well as his adorable smile!

Saturday night, I photographed Peasters Prom!  It was so much fun!  I would love to go back to Prom, those kids are so happy, careless, and free!
Sunday was a fun family day!! The boys loved Easter Egg hunting!!  Now, we have WAY too much candy

Sunday afternoon, i met up with the Gilley Family for a quick shoot!  They are all so sweet!  It was great to see everyone!  Our families don't get together enough!

 I had an amazing weekend!  I hope everyone else did!
I still have a few spot left for the next couple weeks!  Let me know if you would like to schedule a shoot!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sullivan Family

I recently did a shoot with the Sullivan Family.  They are amazing people!  We had so much fun and I get to do another shoot with them soon!  Their father is in the hospital, going through a very hard time in his life.  I know he loves seeing the pictures of his family and im sure it put a smile on his face! They are a great support system!  They are a very strong family and i continue to pray for them! 
We picked a windy day to do the shoot, but they turned out great!  Lindsey and Mark have 2 adorable boys!  They were fun to work with, the 2 year reminds me so much of my son!  He was not a big fan of taking pictures (typical 2 year old) but we did get some cute ones of him!!!

I have recently finished some great shoots and I have many in the near future!  Very excited and I will post pictures if them soon! My most resent shoot  was Summer's bridals!  They turned out so good! I am very excited for her to see them!  I will post them after her wedding!!

I only have a few spots left on my schedule for the next few weeks, so schedule yours today!
April Special:
Free 16 wallets with your photo session!

Everything is nice and green and the flowers are beautiful!  Now is the perfect time to schedule an outdoor shoot! Check my website out for pricing and details

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Keeping Up!

The past month has been so busy for me!  my weekends have been completely booked with photo shoots, Brody has learned how to walk, Bryson is now fully potty-trained, and i have spent all of my free time editing! Brady and I are so proud of our boys! They are growing up way too fast, but we are loving every minute of it!  Brody has been sick the last few weeks. :(  His allergies are so bad and it has made him feel horrible!  His birthday is approaching fast; I hope he starts feeling better before his party!
They love each other so much!
My boys have kept me very busy, but so has my photography!  I have had so many shoots, including the Brock prom!  So i am trying to play catch up and get everything edited and done by this weekend!

My Easter shoot went great!  All of the kids were so cute and they all loved the animals!  I have to admit, photographing children is my favorite!  They are so innocent and sweet!!  I love doing close-up shots of them, they always turn out so beautiful!  It brings all the focus to their eyes and smile!! Every child is beautiful and my goal is to provide special photographs for their parents.

These are a few picture from the Easter Shoot, you can find the rest on my website at


I have a few open sessions available for the next couple weeks.  Let me know if you want to schedule a shoot! HURRY, i only have a few spots and they fill up fast!!