My life is finally slowing down a little and I am almost caught up on my editing! I have Summer and Justin's wedding approaching and i am so excited! Its a beautiful location with beautiful people!
As a photographer, having kids is so fun! There is always something new and adorable to photograph. I have been so busy the last few months, i have not been able to photograph my kids much. So this month i am going to photograph them a ton!
It amazes me how different my two boys are! They are complete opposites!
Bryson has always been a mommy's boy! Since day 1 he only wanted me, he would not go to anyone! I loved it!! He is full of attitude and very shy at first! He seems to be just like his mom! He is such a picky eater, hates getting dirty, and he wants mommy or daddy to snuggle with him in bed while he goes to sleep. He is the SWEETEST kid. He tells Brady and I "love you to the moon and back" at least 20 times a day, constintly hugging and kissing us, says "please and thank you" for everything! He is going to make an amazing husband to one lucky lady one day because he truly shows his love all the time!
Brody is my little indepentent boy! He has been a daddy's boy (unless he is sick). He is my tall and skinny kid (only 8% in weight) who eats everything all day!!! He doesnt like me to feed him, he has to do it on his own. He is always happy and will go to anyone! Brody can be covered in dirt or food and he could care less! He will not sleep good unless he is in his bed. He does not like to go to sleep with anyone, just alone in his bed! He thinks he is a big boy! He has always been a happy baby and has been so fun for us! He totally takes after his dad! He is already goofy and laughs at everything! He has the best personality! I am so happy he is just like his dad, Brady is an amazing, funny man and i am so excited to have a son just like him!
Bryson and Brody are already best friends!! It makes me so happy to see them playing together! We had them so close together because I wanted them to grow up with a best friend/brother!
Over the next month, I am really going to focus on capturing how unique each of them are! I want to really display how different they are and their true personality! I am going to be trying some new things and techniques. I am SO excited to share these photos with you and hopefully the opportunity to capture you beautiful children as well!
I have also decided that i am starting a journal/photo books for the boys. It is going to have all of the fun times, hard times, and fun pictures! It will be different than their normal photo book. I will be talking directly to them! I think it will be a great gift to give my boys when they have their first child! I cant wait to get started on it!
Don't forget my May special: Free hard cover photo book with your session!
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