Friday, May 6, 2011

Busy Busy!

The last week has been so busy! I finally have a few moments to catch up! 
My sweet Brody turned one on Saturday!! I can not believe it has been a year! He is such a blessing!  Such a happy boy!! He is always smiling! Brody had a baseball themed party.  I try really hard to be a great mother!  I want to give my kids great party's and their day to be perfect. BUT i really fell short this time! It really upsets me when i feel like i could of done better.  Trying to find a balance between kids and photography has been hard! My life has been so busy, the party just snuck up on me!  Just a few days before the party, i started running around trying to get everything ready!  I was crazy the day of the party because i was not prepared!! The party turned out ok, but he had a great day!  That is the most important thing!

Sweet Birthday Boy

Brody has been sick for the last month with allergies and stomach bugs. A couple days before his birthday, he starting feeling a little better and his eyes looked pretty good.  They have been very red and swollen.  So i ran out and did some of his one year photos (very quickly)!  I hoping to do a "real" shoot with him soon!
It was the middle of the day and we were under direct sunlight, but i did get some cute ones!

I have done several senior pictures.  I will post previews of them soon!

I have a big request... please keep the Sullivan and Mullen family in your prayers!  They are a sweet family i met a few weeks back!  I had a great shoot with them, beautiful family!  They have had an amazing, emotional, and scary week!  Their father had a heart transplant.  From what i hear, he is doing very well!!!  Please Pray that he continues to improve! He is a very strong man and i know his family is very proud of him!  Please pray hard for him! 

I have a GREAT  special going on this month.  Email me if you would like details and want to schedule a shoot!

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